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Working in a lab with chemicals while breastfeeding

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  • Working in a lab with chemicals while breastfeeding

    "I work in chemistry, and I teach an organic lab that involves chemicals like formaldehyde, DCM, lead nitrate, and other similar substances that aren't exactly "friendly". I took a break from teaching this semester because I'm breastfeeding, but they told me that next semester (starting January), I will have to teach it. I don't want to wean E. after he turns one, but at the same time I can't refuse to take on this lab.
    I'm not sure what to do.
    Do you think I could continue breastfeeding E. after he turns one while working in this lab? Perhaps when the breastfeeding will be less frequent?"
    A mother in the UAE

  • #2
    Hi there,

    Generally speaking, whatever is safe for you will be safe for breastfeeding. As long as you are following proper precautionary measures (personal protective equipment, vent hoods, etc as appropriate), I suspect your exposures will be fine. If you are involved in a spill or any unexpected exposure, a hold time for breastfeeding may be advisable but would depend on the chemicals involved.

    Dr. Krutsch

