I went to the doctor today because of severe cough. Doctor prescribed me albuterol treatments and a liquid medicine comprised of bromphenoramine/pseudo ephedrine/dextromethorphan. I have read mixed reviews about the liquid medicine. I have a three year old who is nursing. She usually nurses once in the evening for less than five minutes and again before bed. Is it safe to nurse her?
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Bromphenoramine medicine
Albuterol is rated an L1-no data-compatible. Albuterol is used in pediatric patients all the time and is considered safe for breastfeeding mothers. Take your breathing treatment right after you breastfeed so you have a break before breastfeeding again, it will be most concentrated in the breast milk in the first 30 minutes after a dose. Monitor the infant for irritability, insomnia, arrhythmias, weight loss, tremor.
Bromphenoramine, pseudoephedrine, and dextromethorphan combo is not the best choice. The pseudoephedrine can reduce your milk production and cause irritability, excitement, insomnia, excessive crying, tremors, etc in the infant. If you need an antihistamine we recommend regular claritin or zyrtec. As for a cough syrup the dextromethorphan by itself is probably ok you can find it in products such as regular robitussin, vick's 44 cough relief, or creomulsion, to name a few, just watch for sedation in the infant. The best decongestant we recommend is oxymetazoline which will be found in nasal sprays such as regular afrin, 4 way long lasting, duramist plus, etc. Because it is still a decongestant we recommend only using 3 days or less, it does not usually affect the milk supply, but watch for excitement, irritability, insomnia and tremors in the infant. I hope this helps. If you have any other questions please call the InfantRisk Center at 806-352-2516. Thanks,
Sandra Lovato R.N.
InfantRisk Center