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Tramadol for Fibromyalgia and Auto-immune disorder

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  • Tramadol for Fibromyalgia and Auto-immune disorder

    Hi, I have been taking Tramadol 50-100mg up to 3 times a day since my exclusively breastfed baby was 6 weeks old. He is now almost 4 months old, and we haven't observed any effects (not even sleepiness) in him. I thought it was an L2 (it was a few years ago when I was breastfeeding my 2nd son). But now Ive read it's an L3-L4??? Is this safe to continue taking? I have fibromyalgia and am awaiting further genetic testing for Ehlers-Danlos and other possible disorders. Thank you.

  • #2

    Tramadol is an L3-limited data-probably compatible. The amount that transfers is 2.86% of your dose. As long as your infant is not symptomatic it is probably ok. Your infant has probably become tolerant to this medication. Monitor for sedation, slowed breathing rate, apnea, pallor, poor feedings and constipation.

    Sandra Lovato R.N.
    InfantRisk Center

