Please advise:
Pain control MDs recommend "pump and dump". G3P3 mom exclusively BF'ing 6 month old (adjusted age; 4 months - Baby born at 31 weeks)
5 days post whipple procedure for pancreatic mass(pathology pending).
Prescribed Percocet, Gabapentin and Robaxin for pain control. Mom wants to continue exclusive BF and has been pumping manually.(declined hospital grade pump) Production has decreased as expected but hopes to build supply back up if possible. Mom to take minimal amounts of pain meds but also needs to maintain steady pain control.
Pain control MDs strongly recommended to wean and discard already stored milk.
All meds are L3 or L2. Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Protocols and medication literature provided to patient.
Any other materials or recommendations, I can use to educate medical staff? You thoughts on these medications and breastfeeding?
Pain control MDs recommend "pump and dump". G3P3 mom exclusively BF'ing 6 month old (adjusted age; 4 months - Baby born at 31 weeks)
5 days post whipple procedure for pancreatic mass(pathology pending).
Prescribed Percocet, Gabapentin and Robaxin for pain control. Mom wants to continue exclusive BF and has been pumping manually.(declined hospital grade pump) Production has decreased as expected but hopes to build supply back up if possible. Mom to take minimal amounts of pain meds but also needs to maintain steady pain control.
Pain control MDs strongly recommended to wean and discard already stored milk.
All meds are L3 or L2. Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Protocols and medication literature provided to patient.
Any other materials or recommendations, I can use to educate medical staff? You thoughts on these medications and breastfeeding?