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chronic use of vicodin

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  • chronic use of vicodin

    Any information concerning maternal use of Vicodin for kidney pain over a prolonged period of time and if any side effects observed for a newborn while breastfeeding? Evidently there are recomendations via ACOG about dosage levels safe for Breastfeeding; am looking that up as soon as completed wiht this question.
    3/25/2015: Maternal use of Vicodin 10mg every 6 hours (total 30mg/day) occured throughout most of pregnancy and is expected to continue. Baby is being monitered for withdrawal s/s; mother is "pumping and dumping" as the total of 30 mg per day has been considered unsafe for continued exposure for baby. What are your thoughts?
    Last edited by cdavenpo; 03-25-2015, 11:55 AM.