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nitrofurantoin (macrobid) and late preterm baby

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  • nitrofurantoin (macrobid) and late preterm baby


    mom has been taking macrobid for 2days now as per ER doc's script. she is bf mom to a baby whose due date is tomorrow, he was born at 35-5wks. macrobid is L2 but not for use for moms of babes under 1month. i have told her that she should probably look for an alternate med. she has allergy to sulpha and penicillin. guidance please?!


    beth mcmillan ibclc (and LLLleader - call came through LLL phone line)

  • #2
    Dear Beth,
    The reason for not recommending Nitrofurantoin is because it can worsen hyperbilirubinemia. Is this baby Jaundiced? If the child does not have any issues with high bilirubin levels then I think it is probably ok for this mom to continue treatment. Another alternative is ciprofloxacin for 3 days. Hope this is helpful.
    Maria Milla, MD
    InfantRisk Center


    • #3
      Dr Milla,
      We have a mom who is also on this med and she has twins that are presently 33/4 days weeks. Hyperbili is not an issue for them they are 11 days old now. Our neo will be willing to monitor bilirubin levels if this is needed. Do you think using this pumped milk during her treatment would be ok?
      They are presently taking 30ml every 3 hours.

      Lori Lindsey, RN IBCLC
      NICU Lactation Consultant


      • #4

        As far as we know, the only complication is release of bilirubin from albumin. But if elevated bilirubin is NOT a problem, then the use of nitrofurantoin in this mom and this situation is probably OK.

        Tom Hale Ph.d.


        • #5
          Macrodantin also known as [URL=""]nitrofurantoin[/URL] is really good medication for UTI. I was struggling with UTI long time. I tried Cefalexin and it didn't work for me. I did try Augmentin as I never had problem with this one and it's really strong but I started to vomit after 2 hours of taking the pill. Macrodantin can be good choice for people with sensitive stomach. I had no side effects.

