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Doxycyclin and BF

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  • Doxycyclin and BF

    I have been taking Doxy and nearing the end of the 10-day course. I have not nursed my infant during this time to be on the safe side and have been doing the pump and dump instead. My question is: once the course is complete can I start nursing her right away? What is the clearance time for Doxy from the system.

  • #2

    There was little or no risk for breastfeeding this short of an interval. But, I'd suggest you wait 24 hours after your last dose and return to breastfeeding.

    Tom Hale Ph.d.


    • #3
      I am nursing my toddler (almost 2 and a half) once a day -- would it be safe to continue while taking doxycyclin?


      • #4
        Dear Miradan,

        The concern with the use of the tetracycline class of antibiotics is decreased bone growth and teeth staining in children. Doxycycline is the least teeth staining drug in the tetracycline class; therefore, treatment for up to 3 weeks is probably acceptable in breastfeeding mothers. If you have to take a course longer than 3 weeks, you may breastfeed up to 3 weeks then pumping and discarding (if you want to maintain your supply) until 48 hours after your last dose.

        Cindy Pride, MSN, CPNP
        TTUHSC InfantRisk Center

