I met with a client with hypoplastic breasts and insufficient glandular tissue, lupus, elderly pregnancy, donor embryo. All evidence points to her never making a sufficient milk supply. She is trying to decide how much effort to throw at increasing her supply. Normally I would suggesta mom to consider to take goat's rue and domperidone if she were otherwise healthy. With the lupus, I don't feel confident in what galactogogues might be compatible. Can you please advise? Thank you. Warmly, Betsy Hoffmeister, IBCLC
I met with a client with hypoplastic breasts and insufficient glandular tissue, lupus, elderly pregnancy, donor embryo. All evidence points to her never making a sufficient milk supply. She is trying to decide how much effort to throw at increasing her supply. Normally I would suggesta mom to consider to take goat's rue and domperidone if she were otherwise healthy. With the lupus, I don't feel confident in what galactogogues might be compatible. Can you please advise? Thank you. Warmly, Betsy Hoffmeister, IBCLC