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Hyperthyroidism medication(PTU) and breastfeeding

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  • #31

    More recent studies found higher transfer rates.

    Sandra Lovato R.N.


    • #32
      Hi All,

      I was diagnosed by hyperthyroidism about 2 months after giving birth. My Dr prescribed me 10mg (2x5mg) per day of Carbimazole since I am breastfeeding.

      I made FT3,FT4,TSH exams for my little baby just before taking my first bill and after 10 days of taking my medicine.

      Unfortunately my baby’s TSH jumped and t3,t4 affected as well as following:

      before Carbimazole;
      TSH: 2.146
      Free T3: 4.22
      Free T4: 1.27

      After 10 days on Carbimazole:
      TSH: 3.572
      Free T3: 4.44
      Free T4: 1.12

      Do you think i should stop breastfeeding?


      • #33

        This is a question for your pediatrician. The results are still in a normal range, but the fact that they changed after just 10 days of therapy is concerning as the levels may continue to increase and we do not want to permanently affect your infants thyroid.

        Sandra Lovato R.N.
        InfantRisk Center


        • #34
          Hello again,
          it’s been almost a year since diagnosed with graves’ disease. I am taking one pill of tapazol 5mg every two days. I did blood test for thyroid on my toddler 3 times before and they turned fine. But now that the dose of the drug is so low should I keep testing her since I am still breastfeeding her?
          thank you


          • #35

            If a higher dose of Tapazole did not cause any changes in your toddlers thyroid functions, then a low dose every two days is unlikely to effect them, but this is something I would discuss this with your toddlers pediatrician.

            Sandra Lovato R.N.
            InfantRisk Center


            • #36
              Hello everyone,

              I'm currently breastfeeding my 4month old baby and my hyperthyroidism (due to Graves) came back after I stopped taking 5mg of methimazole 4months ago. I was allowed to stopped taking it because my thyroid levels were already stable, again this was after I gave birth. I was having the symptoms of hyperthyroid for a while now and I only had the time to visit my doctor last week. The results were so high I was asked to take 30mg for a day divided into two sessions. This isn't my first time because I also went through this when I gave birth to my first child. However, I had to changed my attending physician because we moved to another city. I just want to confirm if my current doctor's decision is okay because he isn't an endocrinologist. My questions are:

              1. Is it better to take 15mg of methimazole twice a day or taking 30mg once a day?

              2. Is it considered safe to take this dosage for breastfeeding mothers?

              3. How long should I wait, after taking the medicine, to feed my baby?

              Thank you so much


              • #37
                Hello everyone,
                my name is Hana and I am from Slovakia. I was 20 years diadnosed and cured with hypothyroidism. Now I have 11 months old daughter and last week my diagnose changed to HYPERthyroidism. My doctor wants me to stop breastfeeding immediately. I am not sure about that.
                My labs numbers were: TSH<0.005mIU/I, T4 58.40pmol/l and aTPO 306kIU/I
                She gave me Propycil 1-0-1 and because with this disease i have terrible tachycardia 133, she gave me Egilok 6.25 mg 1-0-0
                I will be very glad if you can answer me.
                Thank you so much.


                • #38

                  Both PTU propylthiouracil and Egilok (metoprol) are generally considered safe for breastfeeding. With PTU, i'd suggest you pediatrician do an occasional thyroid check on your infant.

                  Tom Hale Ph.d.


                  • #39
                    Dear Mr Hale,

                    thank you very much, what a great news for me and my daughter. Today I received my reasults after 3 weeks of taking PTU. It went down in 50% which I think is good sign of curing my thyroid in a good way. Anyway, my doctor still wants me to stop BF and she is telling me that If I will be breastfeeding her, she can get sick with hyperthyrodidism too. I do not trust to this and I believe we both will be fine. I, surely will ask my pediater to check my daughter thyroid too.


