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Minoxidil (Rogaine)

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  • Minoxidil (Rogaine)

    My daughter is 18 months old. She currently gets 4 ounces of breastmilk during the day on weekdays as well as some solids for breakfast, lunch and dinner. On week nights as well as on weekends she is breastfed.

    I have been diagnosed with alopecia areata and severe thinning of hair (male pattern baldness). For the alopecia my dermatologist injects a shot of kenalog on the affected area every six weeks. For the thinning he has me on 50,000 units of vitamin d once weekly to treat a vitamin d deficiency (my level is a 14) which he thinks MAY be related. I also take 3 fenugreek pills three times daily and 1,000 mgs of evening primrose oil for breast tenderness and a prescription shampoo to treat dandruff.
    Because we have not seen a huge improvement in the hair loss, my dermatologist wants me to consider using Rogaine. He thinks this will contradict with nursing though. Is it safe?

  • #2
    Dear Dv78045,

    Minoxidil is a potent vasodilator and antihypertensive. It is also used for hair loss and baldness. When applied topically, only 1.4% of the dose is absorbed systemically. When using topical minoxidil, the limited absorption via skin would minimize systemic levels and significantly reduce risk of transfer to infant via breastmilk. It is unlikely that the amount absorbed via topical application would produce clinically relevant concentrations in breastmilk.

    Tassneem Abdel Karim, MD
    InfantRisk Center

