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Decadron Injection while breastfeeding

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  • Decadron Injection while breastfeeding

    I received a Decadron injection this morning for a rash that is covering most of my arms and legs. The NP recommended I pump and dump, as it might cause an upset stomach in my little one. Everything I have read said this is not necessary. I wanted to double check here, as I have no desire to dump the 15 ounces I will pump today. Thanks!

  • #2
    I agree, you shouldn't have to pump and dump. There should be no issues with feeding right away, but if you wait about 3-4 hours after the injection, you will cut your baby's exposure by half.

    Please call us at the InfantRisk Center if this has not completely answered your question.*(806)352-2519

    -James Abbey, MD


    • #3
      1 dose of Decadron 20mg iv for migraine when can I breastfeed?

      I went to the er today with a headache and lightheadedess and the Dr gave me an IV of decadron 20mg Toradal 30mg and an IV of magnesium for a migraine. I was wondering when I could start breastfeeding again. Thanks


      • #4
        Decadron while breastfeeding

        Sjl, thanks for your post,

        You can go ahead and breastfeed now, decadron is ok to breastfeed with unless it is used at high doses for prolonged periods of time, half life is only 3.3 hours. Toradol is also ok to breastfeed with, the infant only receives 0.14-0.2% of your dose, and half life is 2.5 hours. Magnesium oxide is also ok to breastfeed with. I hope this helps if you have any other questions please call the InfantRisk Center at 806-352-2519. Thanks,

        Sandra Lovato R.N.
        InfantRisk Center


        • #5
          I received a decadron injection this evening to treat sinus congestion. My doctor did say I can continue to breastfeed without any adverse effects. Is this accurate? My baby is 5 months and weighs 15 1/2 pounds.


          • #6
            Although no studies have been done to see if Decadron (dexamethasone) passes through breast milk, it is thought that only a small amount would reach the bloodstream when this drug is used as eye or ear drops. However, some experts recommend that women use a different steroid medication while nursing, as the potential risks of using Decadron while breastfeeding are still unknown.

