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Prescription strength 0,1% Tretinoin

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  • Prescription strength 0,1% Tretinoin

    I was wondering if it is safe to use the strongest form of tretinoin 0,1% topically on the belly area 4 times a week (question 1) and after using a dermaroller (question 2) which enhances the penetration into the skin. I am still breastfeeding. Thank you for your reply!

  • #2
    Denise Nova,

    "Tretinoin is a retinoid derivative similar to Vitamin A. Absorption of tretinoin following topical application is reported to be minimal, and in breastmilk would likely be minimal to none. However, breastfeeding mothers should not use tretinoin ORALLY as transfer into milk is likely and could have untoward effects in the breastfeeding infant." (Medications and Mothers' Milk database, Dr Thomas Hale PhD). This should be ok to use while breastfeeding even when using a dermaroller, we just do not want the infant to come in contact with the cream or accidentally ingest it.

    Sandra Lovato R.N.
    InfantRisk Center

