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Weight Loss

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  • Weight Loss

    A breastfeeding mom wants to start a weight watchers. Will any toxins present in adipose that breaks down be a danger to her nursing toddler?

    Thank you for your thoughts on this. She is very worried and has put off beginning the program because she does not want to expose the child to anything harmful that may be released as she loses weight. The 28 lb toddler nurses about 2X day. Mom needs to lose about 30 pounds to return to normal BMI.

    Thank you!

  • #2

    First, it is true that during breastfeeding some contaminates that we all carry will transfer into human milk. The only time anyone would have to worry about it would be in conditions where the individual has exceedingly high levels, such as with mercury or lead poisoning, or where the individual was heavily contaminated with some other environmental product like the polychlorinated biphenols.

    Remember, however, that most environmental contaminates transfer to the fetus, while the mom is pregnant, much much less transfers via breastfeeding.

    Lastly, in the specific case of this mom who is only breastfeeding twice daily, I would suggest that the risk is all but nil that she would transfer anything significant.

    I'd strongly advise her to lose the weight and continue to breastfeed...its the best thing for both mom and infant.

    Tom Hale Ph.d.
    InfantRisk Center


    • #3
      Thank you, Dr. Hale. This mom will be very happy.

