I was on 20 mg of Lexapro for anxiety and panic attacks during my last pregnancy which went well, but about 6 months ago, I began having break through panic attacks again. I have just recently switched to 100 mg of Zoloft as I want to get pregnant again and was prescribed 1 mg of Klonopin (though I only took .5 mg) daily in case of any breakthrough panic attacks during the medication switch. My last dose of .5 klonopin was on 7/11/17. I was considering trying this cycle to get pregnant. However, I read online that Klonopin can take up to 2 weeks to clear your system, and know that it has been linked to birth defects like cleft palates. My expected fertile period is 7/21-7/24, less than 2 weeks after my last dose of Klonopin. Is it safe to try this cycle or should I wait until next cycle to begin trying to allow the Klonopin to completely clear? My last pregnancy, I got pregnant on my first cycle and worry that it could happen again. Thank you in advance.
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Klonopin during attemting to conceive