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Every year my center publishes drugs studies and with information about the transfer of selected drugs into their mothers milk. Take a look at these drugs and see if you might be willing to participate in one of these studies. They are really easy, just collect samples of your milk every few hours, freeze them,  and send them back to my laboratories. We pay for overnight mailing.


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Domperidone and Low Milk Supply

In recent decades, domperidone has gained popularity in the breastfeeding community and has been used off-label to treat low milk supply. Domperidone’s major drawbacks are rare, but severe, including heart complications (cardiac arrhythmias due to QT-prolongation), weight gain, and anxiety or depression when it is discontinued. Average increases in daily milk volume are around 1.7 ounces (60 mL), which can be significant for premature infants, but less so for babies as they grow older. Currently domperidone is banned in the United States (US) and its consumption may complicate receiving healthcare in the US.
Sunscreen Smarts for Breastfeeding Families
Rain, shine, winter, summer, or any time spent outdoors leaves skin vulnerable to damage from the su...
Nurturing with Nature: Herbal Research Woes
The InfantRisk Center receives daily inquiries regarding herbal supplements and their safety. In thi...
Migraine Management in Breastfeeding (A quick reference)
Migraines are very common in women of childbearing ages and can range from mild to debilitating. Man...

In order to serve our moms and staff better, we are updating our call center hours.


Updated Hours Effective March 6, 2023

Monday - Friday 8 AM to 3 PM

Breastfeeding, Caffeine, and Energy Drinks

Caffeine is the most widely consumed stimulant in the world. As such, the safety of caffeine-containing drinks during lactation can raise a lot of questions for new mothers. Post-partum fatigue and fr...

ADHD Medications and Breastfeeding

For most lactating mothers with ADHD, the benefits of breastfeeding outweigh the risks of concurrent treatment with stimulants, the most commonly prescribed medications. Few patients with ADHD require...

Homemade Infant Formula Is Unsafe

The nutritional imbalances and potential foodborne illnesses from homemade infant formula could be life-threatening. For mothers who are unable to provide breast milk for their infants, commercial inf...

Neonatal Vitamin K Refusal Increasing

Vitamin K is an essential intervention recommended for all newborns to prevent Vitamin K Deficiency Bleeding (VKDB), and has been part of newborn care since 1961. Unfortunately, parental refusal of ne...

Brucellosis during Breastfeeding

Untreated brucellosis is one of the few true contraindications to breastfeeding. But how do you treat a breastfeeding woman, and for how long should you withhold breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding with COVID-19 – Safety and Guidelines

Even in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, breastfeeding is still safe and highly recommended. Current guidelines from all of the major health organizations, including the World Health Organization, U...

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding may Lower Risk of Early Menopause

More research is being done on prevention of early menopause and a study recently published in JAMA found that pregnancy and breastfeeding may decrease risk of early menopause.

Breastfeeding after Breast Augmentation

Cosmetic breast surgery is popular in the United States. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation was the most popular cosmetic surgery in 2019. Some evidence indicat...

Fish Oil Supplementation during Pregnancy and Lactation

​​​​​​​Fatty fish, like anchovies or salmon, is an excellent source of essential fatty acids. These fatty acids, particularly DHA, are necessary for retinal and brain development. Mothers who eat plen...